Alumni Achievement Play Pause Unmute Mute College Presidents Charles Orville L - Class of 1846 - Biography COL C.C. Tew, CSA - Class of 1846 - Biography Samuel B. Jones - Class of 1847 - Biography Col. Peter F. Stevens, CSA - Class of 1849 - Biography Maj. James B. White, CSA - Class of 1849 - Biography Col. James W. Robertson, CSA - Class of 1850 - Biography Osgood A. Darby - Class of 1850 - Biography Col. John P. Thomas, CSA - Class of 1851 - Biography John Manley Richardson - Class of 1853 - Biography Col. Asbury Coward, CSA - Class of 1854 - Biography Benjamin Sloan - Class of 1856 - Biography Evander M. Law - Class of 1856 - Biography James Coker - Class of 1856 - Biography John F. Lanneau - Class of 1856 - Biography MG Evander M. Law, CSA - Class of 1856 - Biography BG Ellison Capers, CSA - Class of 1857 - Biography Henry Dannelly Moore - Class of 1857 - Biography Victor E. Manget - Class of 1857 - Biography James Seale Austin - Class of 1861 - Biography Robert Oswald - Class of 1861 - Biography John O. Willson - Class of 1862 - Biography Col. Oliver J. Bond, SCM - Class of 1886 - Biography Henry S. Hartzog - Class of 1886 - Biography James P. Kinard - Class of 1886 - Biography Kenneth G. Matheson - Class of 1886 - Biography Samuel Garlington - Class of 1890 - Biography MG James W. Duckett, USA - Class of 1932 - Biography MG Wallace E. Anderson, SCM - Class of 1934 - Biography Bernard B. Abrams - Class of 1935 - Biography LTG George M. Seignious, USA - Class of 1942 - Biography MG James A. Grimsley, Jr., USA - Class of 1942 - Biography Dr. Raymond M. Bost - Class of 1946 - Biography Lt Gen Claudius E. Watts, USAF - Class of 1958 - Biography BG Roger C. Poole, USAR - Class of 1959 - Biography Dr. Evan S. Dobelle - Class of 1966 - Biography Dr. Thomas Hallman - Class of 1969 - Biography LTC C. Kim Winkelman, USA - Class of 1971 - Biography LTG Colby M. Broadwater lll, USA - Class of 1972 - Biography Lt Gen John W. Rosa, USAF - Class of 1973 - Biography Dr. Steve Pettit - Class of 1978 - Biography Gen Glenn Walters, USMC - Class of 1979 - Biography