Robert L. Bass MILLEDGEVILLE — Robert Lee Bass, 79, died July 1 at a Milledgeville hospital. He was a native of Florence, S. C., but lived most of his life in Ridgeland, S. C., before moving to Milledgeville in 1993. He was a World War II veteran of the U. S. merchant marines. He was a graduate of the Citadel in Charleston, S. C., and was employed as the superintendent of the Okeetee Club Plantation in Ridgeland for more than 25 years. SURVIVORS: a daughter, Alyce Bass Walsh of Beaufort, S. C. ; a granddaughter, Teresa Starling of Beaufort; a grandson, Bryan Patrick Walsh of Beaufort; and a great-grandson, Dustyn Velez of Beaufort. SERVICES: private. Williams White Columns Funeral Home of Milledgeville.
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