Rt Rev Albert Thomas
Class of 1892
Episcopal Bishop of Diocese of South Carolina & author of the Cadet Prayer:Almighty God, the source of light and strength, we implore thy blessing on this our beloved institution that it may continue true to its high purposes; guide and strengthen those upon whom rests the authority of government, enlighten with wisdom those who teach and those who learn,; and grant to all of us that, through sound learning and firm leadership, we may prove ourselves worthy citizens of our country, devoted to truth, given to unselfish service, loyal to every obligation of life and above all to Thee. Preserve us faithful to the ideals of The Citadel, sincere in fellowship, unswerving in duty, finding joy in purity, and confidence through a steadfast faith. Grant to each one of us, in his (her) own life, a humble heart, a steadfast purpose, and a joyful hope, with a readiness to endure hardship and suffer if need be, that truth may prevail among us and that Thy will may be done on earth. *Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.