Jose Jacinto Barcelo Hernandez. Born in Caracas Venezuela July 28, 1940, Graduated in Business Administration at the Citadel in 1964. That same year entered Shell, were he occupied many managerial positions in international commerce. In 1968 was assigned to Asiatic Petroleum Corporation in New York for 2 years. In 1972 married Zurayma Antonetti . 1974 goes into International Marketing for Shell Caribbean. 1975 was assigned general manager of commerce and liquid gas transportation for GASOCEAN stationed in Paris. 1978 his first son Jose Antonio was born , now a Business Administration graduate, with a masters degree in Hamline University St. Paul, Minnesota. Grandson Gavriel Jose 5 years old, and a granddaughter he did not meet Arielle 1 year old. 1982 Designated General manager of commercial operations and transportation for Maraven after the nationalization of the oil industry in Venezuela. 1984. His daughter Silvia was born , now also a Business Administration graduate. 1988 Assigned manager of acquisitions and transportation for the commerce division in Venezuelan Petroleum Industry, Pequiven. En 1984 nace en Caracas su hija Sylvia Elena Barcelo Antonetti quien hoy en dua es Licenciada en Administracion de empresas. 1991 was assigned manager of International sales for Pequiven until his retirement in 1998 Passed away in November 19, 2009 in Valencia, state of Carabobo, Venezuela after a short convalescents due to a lung cancer that did (chemo) and radiation therapy. He is survived by his mother, Flor 93 years old, his wife, Zurayma, son, Jose Antonio, daughter, Silvia, grandson, Gavrile and granddaughter, Arille, and his Brother, Felix. Tags: 1963
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