The Citadel’s Office of Admission, The CAA & The Citadel Alumni Recruiters (CAR) program join forces each year to encourage Citadel clubs to host summertime “Cadet Sendoff Events”.
Cadet Sendoff Event (CSE) – Key Elements for 2024:
- Please begin Cadet Sendoff Event (CSE) preparations now for best results!
- Last Day to Register Cadet Sendoffs: June 21st.
- Knob & Knob Parent Invitations come from Admissions – this provides a uniform experience for all future cadets & their families and ensures the most accurate delivery.
- Knob & Parent email blast will launch 21-30 days before scheduled CSE, with a follow-up reminder email broadcast 10-14 days before the event. For questions regarding Admissions efforts, contact: Jack Stann.
- Alumni & Upper-Class Cadet CSE Invitations come from the CAA.
- As in previous years, once your Club’s CSE registration is completed, the CAA will post your event on the website, provide you with resources and talking points, and send emails and invitations to alumni and current cadets on behalf of the club’s designated point of contact.
- Club RSVP point-of-contact will receive “invitation tracking lists”:
- Knob & Parent – (from Admissions)
- Alumni & Upper-Class Cadets – (from the CAA)
Cadet Sendoff Event (CSE) Planning Window:
- May 29th – July 31st (plan your CSE inside this window – ideally during June to maximize attendance). That said, July still works for those clubs who have June conflicts.
- Citadel Success Institute runs all of July, hence the above guidance.
Venue planning:
- This year’s class size will be in line with recent years based on early indications. As such, take stock of last year’s Knob CSE attendance and factor an additional 10% just to be safe.