EDUCATION: BS Business Administration Executive Education Programs: Harvard – Kennedy School of Government, Duke – Fuqua School of Business, American Graduate School of International Management, The Buckley School of Public Speaking

CITADEL ACTIVITIES: Cadet Activities: Cadre, Captain of the Sailing Team (3 Varsity Letters)
Alumni Involvement: Senior AD for Development & Chief Athletic Fundraiser for 11 years raising over $30 Million, West Side of Johnson Hagood: worked with the architectural & construction firms to develop the Suite & Club Level layouts. Developed/executed the marketing plans for the Suites & Club Level, Member, President’s Leadership Development Council which had responsibility to develop the Cadet Leader Development Program that is the cornerstone of today’s Cadet Leadership Training, Founding Member and former Chairman of the Civil Engineering Advisory Council, Lectured in both the Baker School of Business & the Dept. of Health Education & Sports Science, Mentor for the Cadet Leaders Mentor Program CAA Life Member, TCF Summerall Giving Society, CAA President, CAA VP, CAA Board Executive Committee Member (3 years), CAA Board Chair, Strategic Planning Committee, CAA Board Chair, Membership Committee, Chairman, Class of ’72 for 30+ years – 2008 Harris Award recipient as Class Chairman with the most major donors, 2014 Harris Award Recipient, 2014 Daniel Award Recipient for greatest increase in Class participation, 2015 – 2019 – Class of ’72 raised over $1 Million, 2022 – 50th Reunion Gift Campaign raised $9.3 Million, 2024 – Lott Award for 70’s Class raising the most funds ($3.4M) in 2023

OCCUPATION: Retired Engineering and Construction Executive: 30 + Years of Engineering and Construction Experience with 2 Fortune 500 Companies, Executive Positions/Corporate Officer for 22 years. Youngest VP for Fluor Corporation, Chief Executive of business units with annual revenues of $50 Million to $500 Million, Special Assistant to Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Logistics. During my time with the DoD, I visited over 60 Military construction projects across the U.S., Europe, and Asia/Pacific. I provided the justification in documents presented to Congress that gave the DOD the ability to increase the number of Design/Build projects allowed by the U.S. Military.

MILITARY SERVICE: 14-year Infantry Officer in the U.S. Army Reserve & Army National Guard

MEMBERSHIPS & OFFICES HELD: Past President & Board Member, Rotary Club of Charleston – Breakfast (10+ years), Jr Warden & Vestry Member, The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd (Summerville), Board Member, The Summerville Citadel Club, Board Member, Greenville Dogs for Disabled, Orangeburg Country Club

PERSONAL: Wife Caroline (48 years), Daughter Robin, Son Jack and 4 grandchildren Private Pilot, Coach with The First Tee Golf Program 10+ years


The Citadel’s mission to develop principled leaders is the cornerstone of our legacy as the nation’s preeminent senior Military College. Improving the affordability of a Citadel education and securing sustainable funding for athletics makes our alma mater accessible to more aspiring leaders and must also always be a priority. I’ve learned the importance of listening and adapting to ever changing conditions over my professional life in industry, the military and at The Citadel. I solemnly pledge to maintain focus on The Citadel’s core ideals, ensuring the revered traditions and values of the long gray line are sustained for future generations.