1. Increase CAA Membership & participation
    • Increase participation of female and African-American alumni in CAA leadership
    • Continue to improve communications with the Corps of Cadets focusing on the Jr & Sr Classes
    • Develop communication channels dedicated to non-cadet undergraduates and graduate students
    • Continue to communicate effectively with The Citadel Alumni Network
    • Develop and promote ways to increase alumni participation in local Citadel Clubs and events.
    • Maintain good CAA governance and continuity of focus.
  2. Maintain & strengthen the CAA strong balance sheet
    • Monitor investments & regularly review investment strategies
    • Maximize facility rentals
    • Continue to maintain & improve the CAA Facilities
  3. Foster, perpetuate, and preserve the history, memories, values and traditions of The Citadel.
    • Expand and improve CAA museum and ring exhibits.

  4. Support the education and development of principled leaders at all student levels
    • Synchronize CAA priorities and activities with Citadel leadership, Citadel Foundation, and Brigadier Foundation
    • Annual Financial Support & CAA Scholarship Funding; permanently endow CAA sponsored scholarships
    • Expand support of The Citadel Alumni Recruiters
    • Build upon The Citadel Alumni Network within corporations & companies with a regional presence to assist in The Citadel’s mission
  5. Enhance the learning environment through academic programs of distinction and student success services.
    • Provide internships & mentoring supported by The Citadel’s Alumni Network
    • Enhanced coordination with The Citadel’s Career Center to encourage greater alumni participation at job fairs, provide networking support for cadets seeking jobs after graduation as well as later in their careers.
    • Provide the focal point for The Citadel to access Alumni speakers for classes
  6. Enhance the region’s social, educational and economic development through meaningful community and corporate collaborations. Establish relationships with The Citadel’s Mentors Association to further assist in this initiative.

Implementation Options (and lead committee)

_____ Continue and enhance Networking Committee Efforts (Network)

_____ Report Strategic Plan progress annually (LRP)

_____ Develop metrics to allow implementation progress (LRP)

_____ Develop options to increase life membership in graduating classes (Membership)

  • Link senior ring purchase to CAA Life Membership? (Ring and Membership)

_____ Develop incentive options to attract new CAA members from non-affiliated alumni (Membership)

_____ Access or create data base of known but non-CAA affiliated alumni (Membership)

_____ Work with TCF and TCBF leadership to determine their needs from the CAA (Executive Committee)

_____ Improve and normalize the cooperation and process of including alumni recruiters in the college’s overall recruiting process.  (Cadet Recruitment)

_____ Add overarching Strategic discussion to the 6 elements (role of CAA vis-à-vis the college, alumni, new alumni, enrolled students, TCF, TCBF, etc…. possibly from CAA by-laws) (LRP)

_____ Investigate the business case and a contract for a single club management software firm (for example: Wild Apricot) that can be used by the CAA broadly and by Alumni clubs individually.  A common system could be more efficient and cheaper and would allow Alumni to transfer membership from one club to another seamlessly. (Technology)