This award will be used to recognize a Director whose work is significant, extraordinary and beyond that normally expected from individuals holding a Director position within The CAA.

The nominees for District Director of the Year should demonstrate the following criteria:

  1. Be an individual who, in deed or action, reflects and recognizes the importance of his or her education at The Citadel and exemplifies its Core Values of Honor, Duty, and Respect in their private and professional life and whose interest and loyalty are evident to The Citadel and The CAA.
  2. Is actively engaged in motivating alumni in his/her area to be involved in their local clubs and The CAA, as well as membership in The CAA.
  3. Actively promotes and/or is actively engaged in The Citadel Volunteer Recruiters.
  4. Has submitted one of their own clubs for Citadel Club of the Year.
  5. Has submitted one of their Club Presidents for Club President of the Year.
  6. Has at least one club with the Gold Star designation.
  7. Contributes to the success of The CAA and The CAA Board.
  8. As a CAA Board member, participates and delivers above and beyond the normal expected duties.
  9. Promotes and/or assists of existing clubs in his/her local district.
  10. Promotes and develops the formation of new clubs in his/her district.

Nominations for this award shall include detailed and specific information on each of the above criteria.

This award is presented to recipients at an event held by The CAA during Homecoming Week and recognized in the Alumni News.

Name, YearYear Awarded
James L. Belote, 19662003
William S. Stafford, 19782004
John R. (Randy) Brooks, 19772005
Charles D. Burnside, 19652006
Hiram Hutchison, 19572007
Willis E. Tisdale, 19772008
William S. Stafford, 19782009
William Cooper, 19822010
Luke M. Hardaway, 20012011
Lucien B. Lane, 19702012
Paul R. Tamburrino, 19892013
James V. Mazzone, Sr., 19602014
Theodore A. Hargrove III, 19712015
Thomas G. Jordan, 19792016
Lucien B. Lane, 19702018
Jeffrey D. Plumley, 19882019 
Thomas H. Churchill III, 19912021
 Carl V. Lillvik, 19612022
W. Christopher Cook, 19742023