Event Details

All events will be held downtown Charleston

  • Friday Evening:
    • Time: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
    • Location: The Carolina Yacht Club (East Bay St)
    • Entertainment: East Coast Party Band
    • Details: Come hungry, thirsty, and ready to catch up with everyone.
    • Cost: $100 per person
  • Saturday:
    • Game: The Citadel vs. UT Chattanooga
      • Time: 2:00 PM
      • Details: We are sharing a GIANT tent with the class of 2009 to save on the cost of the event.
      • Cost: $75 per person
      • Evening: Open for company dine-outs or whomever you wish to hang out with.
  • Sunday:
    • Optional Breakfast: There is chatter of an optional breakfast before everyone hits the road. More details to come.

Promote Your Business

If anyone wants to promote their business or company, please feel free to do so. Contact me via email or cell if this interests you.

Contact Information

Neal Pinson
Phone: 864-377-1003
Email: [email protected]